A mailman delivers mail to a mail box

Why Should Your Hearing Practice Employ Drip and Pixel Mail Marketing?

April 13, 20236 min read

Connecting with your audience, which comprises patients and their caretakers, becomes simple, quick, and economical with email marketing. With an ROI of $42 for every $1 spent and several other advantages, including prompt & effective communication, broader reach, and the capability to evaluate and track content, email marketing is a phenomenal way to build brand awareness. Moreover, you can also assure the community of the top-notch care they would receive by availing of your hearing practice services.

Here is a comprehensive guide where we discuss how drip and pixel email marketing strategies can help you enhance patient engagement levels, drive more leads, and convert them to be a part of your satisfied patient community.

Top Benefits of Drip and Pixel Mail Marketing

Benefits of Drip Email Marketing for Your Practice

Email drip campaigns consist of a string of pre-composed, automated marketing emails designed to guide recipients toward a specific conversion goal. They are known as "drip" campaigns since they gradually 'drip' valuable information, alerts, products, and announcements to email subscribers over time.

Drip campaigns work better than generic mailings because they are tailored, timely, and engaging. Statistics suggest that average click-through rates for drip emails are three times greater than those for single emails, and open rates are around 80% higher.

Let's explore the key benefits of employing drip email marketing to promote your hearing practice.

  1. Boost Your Brand Awareness Significantly

A sequence of emails that are highly engaging & relevant retains your brand in people's minds. You'll be the first hearing care service provider a prospect thinks of when they need services that you have to offer. Also, they'll be more likely to endorse your brand among their contacts.

This way, your brand can start building the customer/patient relationships necessary for its success with drip marketing. You can boost the likelihood that someone will prefer your services when they need them, by letting potential consumers know you in and out, appreciate, and trust your brand through the regular email communication they receive.

  1. Enhance Engagement Levels Effortlessly

Drip email campaigns reduce a significant amount of the efforts required to pique the audience's interest by strategically delivering pertinent content to targeted prospects. You're shortening the sales cycle by boosting their engagement by pushing leads down the funnel more promptly. A smart drip email campaign also filters out unresponsive website visitors, which helps you avoid wasting time or effort contacting them.

Furthermore, since drip emails rely on automation, you don't have to commit much time to them. The marketing team doesn't need much time crafting and delivering emails, but you still have to track and analyze the campaign performance.

  1. Streamline Audience Segmentation to Improve Revenue

The word ‘AUDIENCE’ written in marker with arrows pointing to it.

Within a single email campaign, drip marketing can let you attract prospects, nurture leads, incentivize customers, and much more. You can approach the relevant audience appropriately by locating, segmenting, and contacting particular user groups.

Additionally, a segmented email drip campaign can let the audience develop trust in your services. Instead of bombarding your complete email list with the same promotional content, you can segment your readers into separate funnels and communicate with them more effectively. This way, your emails sound more personalized as they are better customized and deliver relevant information.

Consequently, it results in a lower unsubscribe rate and a greater conversion rate.

  1. Nurture Leads through an Effective Marketing Funnel

Sometimes prospective customers may not be prepared to purchase a product (such as a hearing aid) from you. Before deciding, these leads might want to learn more about your business, your product, or your service.

You can demonstrate the benefits of your solution or service, respond to possible inquiries, and resolve prospects' concerns by nurturing them with a drip email campaign. It's similar to having a sales interaction over a series of emails.

Benefits of Pixel Email Marketing for Your Hearing Practice

A pixel mail is an effective email marketing facet that is efficient enough to capture the visitors' intent and other relevant data. At the same time, they visit your website or open your email. Then you can leverage the information gathered to convert them into a customer. But what is a pixel?

An email tracking pixel is a 1px by 1px square image developed through a code and integrated into an email message. But due to their covert placement in the email's header or footer, email tracking pixels are not immediately apparent to recipients.

These tracking pixels offer insightful sales and marketing data, including:

  • Email open rate, number of clicks on links, performance based on campaign success rate metrics,

  • Headlines, preview content, and the sending times & days that lead to a higher number of conversions opens, and clicks related to appointment scheduling, product demonstration, consultation, etc.,

  • Audience segmentation is based on the device (laptop, smartphone, or desktop) they use while opening emails,

  • Audience demographics.

Here are some of the proven benefits of using pixel mail marketing for your hearing practice.

  1. Capture Insightful, Actionable Customer Engagement Data

  • Your pixel-tracking email campaign opens up new opportunities for you and your hearing practice. It gives marketers valuable information about their prospects, customers, and the audience's email engagement levels.

  • Once you start collecting personal information from a tracking pixel, there is no room for speculation. Marketers get immediate insight into how customers browse, where they spend the most time during an online session on your website, and their activities. Pixels serve even better than cookies as far as email marketing is concerned.

  • Another incredible benefit of employing pixel mail marketing is its capability to assist marketers in personalizing their efforts. It enables them to develop communication channels tailored to their audience without overwhelming them with irrelevant or redundant information.

  • Along with this, personalization could help you optimize your subject lines. The open and click-through rates should be higher as a result than with your previous strategy. Apart from subject lines, you can also focus on personalizing your content, CTAs, pertinent links, and more.

  1. Evaluate the Campaign Performance and Optimize

This email marketing tactic enables you to monitor the effectiveness of particular emails after sending them to their intended recipients. You can determine the extent to which your emails generate the intended impression and how effective the email content has been lately in moving the audience. It also indicates whether the content generates more clicks, engagement, and conversion than the targeted figure.

Furthermore, if other KPIs and metrics like open rates, churn rates, and CTRs are carefully considered, marketers can develop a more detailed online marketing strategy. This kind of approach can facilitate streamlining the overall customer journey.

The Bottom Line

Both drip and pixel mail marketing strategies can serve your hearing practice the best when the relevant hearing care messages reach the audience at the right time. Even if they don't request, your patients will value hearing the solutions to their prospective queries and worries, boosting the overall patient engagement and retention rates. As an outcome, you will build enduring relationships with your patient community and turn them into their go-to resource for hearing care.

If you are an audiologist, hearing specialist, or a hearing care company, Ear Level Marketing, can assist you in expanding your patient base while setting up your company for a sustainable, consistent growth launchpad that will strengthen your brand recognition and authority in the marketplace.

We provide modern hearing care marketing solutions through our customer relationship management (CRM) and office management systems, together with well-coordinated traditional and digital marketing services to help you achieve your business objectives relying on our unique set of skills & vendor resources too with full pricing transparency. So what are you waiting for? Contact Ear Level Marketing today for more information!

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Dusty Potter

Dusty Potter is a second generation Hearing Instrument Specialist. He has been a practice owner since 2007, and after much frustration with office management systems and digital marketing firms in the hearing care space, he has founded both Ear Level Marketing and amplifyOMS, while still maintaining his own healthy practice in Wichita Falls, TX.

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